Thursday, March 11, 2010


When CC was a little baby, smaller than MJ, I use to sing her primary songs at night before bed. When I would start my song, she would look at me intently and let out a high pitched, short, screech of defiance. Singing lullabies was apart of being a mother, so I continued. When she got a little older she would scream until I stopped singing. I sought advice from my mother. I asked her why CC hated it when I sang to her and what I should do about her screaming when I tried. She said to just keep singing and eventually CC would stop. Nope. Four years later, I am singing primary songs as I am cleaning the kitchen and this is the reaction I get. I can only surmise I have the worse glass shattering voice of all time, which a number of people have confirmed, but I still keep singing.:)
Well, we got outside today. MJ enjoyed taking her sister's bike for a spin, while CC enjoyed kicking her ball around. She has a pretty good kick. As she was chasing the ball around with her feet, I saw a little future soccer player.

1 comment:

Brianna and Byron Putnam said...

ha :) that is too funny, I just love that you keep on singing :)