Thursday, March 3, 2011


Some days being a mommy is just plain hard and you long for those more fun "laugh mommy" days. MJ has been on the couch again all day with a fever. My children have never had a fever last this long. Sierra is suffering from a cold and a lack of attention, which has lead to a sharp increase in teasing her little sister. It breaks my heart to hear MJ scream out in her raspy, barley there, voice, "Sara's!" She, MJ, wants me to "lay by" all day. It is hard to get things done when you "lay by" all day. There is nothing more dividing to me than a list of todo's hanging over my head and knowing laying by my poor hot baby and stroking her sweating brow is more important than the list. If I don't "lay by" she will get out of bed and follow me around with sad puppy dog eyes. It breaks my heart to see her so pathetic so it doesn't take much for me to relinquish.

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