Monday, March 28, 2011

SUNDAY, hair drama

I did Sierra's hair in the smallest sponge rollers Saturday night in hopes the her curls would last longer.

It was poofy.

She hated it.

She said she looked weird. Her hair made her ears look big. She looked stupid and on and on.I puffed it up more and put a beret in it, just like my mom use to. We laughed.
Then I tamed it.

At church she was whimpering. I look so dumb. The girl over there is way more beautiful than me. Her father overheard her. He put his arm around her and insisted she know that she is the most beautiful girl in the building and in the whole world for that matter.

She is in CTR now and she got her ring. (It stands for choose the right.) She was so excited.

She prayed in Primary today. She said the closing prayer. This was her prayer, "Heavenly Father, thank you we could come to church. Thank you we could dress modest and have covered up bodies. Thank you we could have three, I mean one chance to be good. In the name of Jesus Christ amen." (Hilarious.)
MJ was throwing a fit at church. She wanted the crackers from the kid sitting behind us. (I didn't know the family at all or I might have begged a few off of them.) I whispered we would make crackers when we got home. She screamed louder. She has been under the weather and we don't like to give gifts in nursery, so Nate was planning on taking her home after the first hour anyway. Rather than fight through the rest of sacrament meeting, he picked her up and took her home.

I came home two and a half hours later. She was screaming in the living room. I picked her up and she said,"Dad's don't know how to make crackers."

We made crackers using this recipe. They were so yummy.

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