Friday, February 26, 2010


MJ loves to dance. She discovered that this train will play music so she will hit the music button and dance around over and over again. I love watching her try to spin on those wobbly little legs.

On a more serious note, the man of the house has left us and we are all sad. Sierra cried and said, "I don't know if I will remember him, if he is gone for a really long time." I assured her that he would only be gone for six days. He arrived in Vegas last night. He will be spending the next five days taking a difficult test. We have spent more money for this single test, than we lived off of in our first year of dental school. There is no way we could afford to retake it. It is really important that he does well and passes. He needs to pass to license as a dentist and to practice in the western states. Please keep him in your prayers. I am so grateful he is willing to do hard things for our family.


Jessica said...

Oh we will, I am sure he is prepared, and will do a fabulous job! Good Luck to all of you!!!

Caroline Craven said...

I'm sure you guys miss Nate, but think of how great it will be when he gets back. We will keep him in our prayers, I'm sure he will do great and has probably been preparing for a very long time. It will be good to get this behind him.

Heather {Healthy Family Cookin} said...

That is so adorable. Our prayers are with you guys Lisa! Love ya!