Monday, February 1, 2010


MJ just wants to sit in my lap all day. She hates it when I clean. It is torture to clean when you have a one year old whining in your shadow. Well, I finally figured out how to get out of my pickle. I handed her a sponge and she loved it. CC jumped in to teach her how to do it right. I got most of the kitchen clean and they were very entertained. I don't know why I didn't think of it earlier. MJ helped pick up the books in her room. (She just picked them up off the floor and handed them to me. I would say, "Thank you Tads," and she would beam.) She helped me fold the clothes. (She basically just handed me one clothe at a time. She loved it.) She was entertained all day and in way better spirits. I realized I need to engage my children more in what I am doing. My home is cleaner than it has been in a long time and my children and I are happier.Today, We went over to Shandra's house for dinner we had a really good time. The girls were playing well. When we said it was time to go Sierra had a major melt down. She hasn't had a melt down like that in a while. When we got to the car I was doing the best I could to get her into her car seat. She was fighting hard. She screamed, "Mom, you are such a butt!" She was punished, when she got home. Then she said she needed a pen before she could go to bed. She wrote this, "MON iY SORIE I COT UO BT." Translation: Mom, I am sorry I called you a butt. She is back in good graces.

I forgive you sweetheart I know it is hard to leave your friends. Please be good. Thanks for saying you're sorry. Jesus is proud of you. I am proud of you. I love my sweet seashell.


Heather {Healthy Family Cookin} said...

That is so sweet. It's fun when they are learning how to write - this story reminds me so much of what we are going through with C.G. right now too. And isn't it fun how the little one motivates the older one to want to help around the house?!?

Caroline Craven said...

I love the picture of your girls helping you clean house. It brought a ray of sunshine to an otherwise inversion-laden day here in Cache Valley (again). The apology was so sweet to. I love how children are so quick to forgive, much more so than we adults.

Amanda said...

hahaha that just made my night. I'm sorry maybe its not that funny to you but that cracks me up. How cute of her though to try and spell out that she was sorry. She's so smart!