Sunday, February 14, 2010


I watched the history channel trying to discover the origin of Valentines Day. They had this to say...

"One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men — his crop of potential soldiers. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine's actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death."

I like this legend and was telling it to my daughter today. She liked the story and begged for me to tell it to her a few times.

Yesterday, while at the store, I told Sierra to pick out a treat for Valentines Day. She chose a large package, containing eight smaller packages, of candy hearts. When we got home she said, "Mom there are so many, can I share some with my Primary friends?" I said she could so she went about assigning names to the candies and painting cards for each of her Primary class mates. Then she remembered a few of her other friends from church and asked if she could make a card for them too. Then she collected them all together and said, "You know what, the Bishop sometimes comes to our class, can I make one for him too?" I said I thought it was a good ides. She was so overjoyed to share her Valentines with everyone. After sacrament meeting she bounded up to the stand and gave the Bishop his Valentine. This evening I got a phone call from our Bishop he asked to speak to her, explaining that he hadn't had time to thank her at church. She was really shy, I think I would have been too, she didn't say anything. Then I heard him say goodbye and she hung up. She didn't say anything about the phone call. I thought it was really kind of him to call. I was so proud of my girl. I know great joy comes from giving and I am so glad she knows that too.

Lastly, enjoy. I love this song. I know the most important thing we do in this life is give love. I know that when we love each other, we are engaged in the work of our Savior.


Caroline Craven said...

When you consider how busy Bishop's are, it was very kind of him to call. I bet Sierra remembers that for a long time. What a cute story. I had no idea how St. Valentine came along. That was also an interesting story.

Jessica said...

Thanks for the story, I didn't know that either. Also, what a sweet bishop to remember to thank her, and calling. I hope you all had a great Valentines day!

Caroline Craven said...

I totally pirated your St. Valentine's story on my blog, but I gave you credit, somewhat. Hope you don't mind. I just thought it was a good story and wanted to pass it on.

Lisa said...

I am flattered when people pirate from me. You are always more than welcome. I love that you read my blog. Thanks. Love you.