Saturday, May 21, 2011


Yesterday, Sierra walked into the kitchen and Poschka (the dog) had her head laying in Phillip (my brother's) lap. She started crying. Her face was red and tears were streaming down her face. Phillip looked at me questioning, what is going on with your daughter. Sierra burst out, "Poschka, I let you out the door when no one else will. I pet you all the time and you love him more than me. Why? Why?" Later that night, Poschka had her head in Sierra's lap, so I think all is forgive, but it was touch and go for a minute.

Man, my chubby little nephew has really stolen my heart. He is so beautiful and I just want to kiss every chubby roll, but I can't lift him.

I and my sisters and all the little kiddos went for a run this morning. We are really out of shape. I was so winded 15 seconds into our run. I said, "When I ran with my friends in college I was too proud to admit when I was winded. I just kept running. I am not too proud anymore. Let's walk." We walked.

If you want one of my comfort food recipes, click here.

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