Monday, April 26, 2010


My sweet friend Ashley invited us over for a BBQ. The food was delicious. It was fun to hangout with some of my favorite people. Of all the people who began this dental school journey with us, they are simply my favorite. I often feel it was Our Father-in-Heaven's guiding hand that brought us together.
Here is CC playing with her little friend. They were racing back and forth across the yard.
This is Ashley's little boy. When I look at this little one's eyes I often think I cannot be completely happy until I have a son. (I maybe jinxing myself with that last sentence.)
Peek-a-boo. CC was convincing the kids to run around the house, through the back door, then through the back yard, and then into the front door, all while sporting muddy shoes. Sigh. No, no.
One of the cutest boys I know up to his knees in mud. This little puddle of mud was a huge source of pleasure for him.
MJ and the cute boy decided to help undo some of Jev's hard work by rearranging the mulch. Sigh.
Nate's buddy Ryan thought it was hilarious that Nate doesn't like to be photographed, so he tortured him.
Ryan and the kids had a lot of fun playing together. He is like an uncle to all of them. He tortures them, rough houses with them, and tells them how it is. We all think he is the greatest.

1 comment:

shellydinger said...

Great pictures Lisa! It really was fun to get to visit with everyone while the kids took mud baths.