Wednesday, April 28, 2010


My sister's recital was the night of the day I flew in. I was exhausted, but it was worth it. She has the voice of an angel. She is so talented. It was her senior recital, the night before graduation. She graduated with her music degree at the University of Utah Valley. She sang several difficult opera songs. Wow, she is AMAZING! (The woman in red is her music teacher.)
After about three numbers MJ wanted to join in singing at the top of her lungs. It was cute but distracting. Her music teacher had lectured us that if the kids started to make noise they were to be removed immediately. I took her out in the hall and hovered near the door. We made it a few more numbers and her teacher stuck her head out the door and said she could hear us and we needed to move further down the hall. I didn't move. A little while later Kimberly joined me with Tessie in tote and a short while after that Michelle joined us with Tyler in tote. Then MJ found a can of tomato paste, in a welfare basket, and threw it at the door. I picked her up and we all ran giggling further down the hall.
Emily was really frustrated with her teacher because she wanted us all there to listen and didn't care about her nieces and nephews making noises. Afterwards Paul, Emily's honey, made yummy cookies for us all to enjoy.
As the evening reached an end, Tyler came running out of a backroom and stopped stretched his legs and reached his arms up and exclaimed, "Mommy, ME FOUND A POTTY AND WASH MY HANDS." He was recently potty trained. We all burst out laughing and hoped he really did.

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